Source code for notify.wizard

# coding=utf-8
A notify setup wizard module
__author__ = 'Alisue <>'

[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): pass
[docs]def validate_int(x): try: return int(x) except TypeError: raise ValidationError("A natural number is required.")
[docs]def validate_email(x): from validate_email import validate_email if not validate_email(x): raise ValidationError("A valid email address is required.") return x
[docs]def console_input(default, validation=None, allow_empty=False): """ Get user input value from stdin Parameters ---------- default : string A default value. It will be used when user input nothing. validation : callable A validation function. The validation function must raise an error when validation has failed. Returns ------- string or any A user input string or validated value """ value = raw_input("> ") or default if value == "" and not allow_empty: print "Invalid: Empty value is not permitted." return console_input(default, validation) if validation: try: return validation(value) except ValidationError, e: print "Invalid: ", e return console_input(default, validation) return value
[docs]def setup_wizard(config): from notify.compat import keyring print print "#" * 50 print "#", "#".rjust(48) print "#", "notify setup wizard".center(46), "#" print "#", "#".rjust(48) print "#" * 50 print print "Note: square bracket enclosed text indicate the current value" print # SMTP section host = config.get('smtp', 'host', raw=True) port = config.get('smtp', 'port', raw=True) print "1. Please enter mail user agent host address [%s]" % host host = console_input(host) print "2. Please enter mail user agent port number [%s]" % port print "|" print "| The following port numbers are usually used." print "| - 25 : A default SMTP port" print "| - 465 : A default SMTP over SSL port" print "| - 587 : A default submission port" print "|" port = console_input(port, validate_int) # Mail section from_addr = config.get('mail', 'from_addr', raw=True) to_addr = config.get('mail', 'to_addr', raw=True) subject = config.get('mail', 'subject', raw=True) encoding = config.get('mail', 'encoding', raw=True) print "3. Please enter an email address for 'from' [%s]" % from_addr from_addr = console_input(from_addr, validate_email) print "4. Please enter an email address for 'to' [%s]" % to_addr to_addr = console_input(to_addr, validate_email) print "5. Please enter an email subject [%s]" % subject print "|" print "| The following special string are available." print "| - %(prog)s : A program name executed." print "| - %(status)s : A exit status of executed." print "|" subject = console_input(subject) print "6. Please enter an email encoding [%s]" % encoding encoding = console_input(encoding) # Auth section username = config.get('auth', 'username', raw=True) password = keyring.get_password('notify', username) or "" print "7. Please enter an username for authentication [%s]" % username print "|" print "| To remove username, input 'REMOVE'" print "|" username = console_input(username, allow_empty=True) if username == 'REMOVE': username = "" print "8. Please enter an password for authentication" print "|" print "| To remove password, input 'REMOVE'" print "|" password = console_input(password, allow_empty=True) if password == "REMOVE": password = "" # save into config config.set('smtp', 'host', host) config.set('smtp', 'port', str(port)) config.set('mail', 'from_addr', from_addr) config.set('mail', 'to_addr', to_addr) config.set('mail', 'subject', subject) config.set('mail', 'encoding', encoding) config.set('auth', 'username', username) # do not store password in config file if username: if password: keyring.set_password('notify', username, password) elif keyring.get_password('notify', username): keyring.delete_password('notify', username) # save config import os import codecs from notify.conf import get_user_config_filename filename = get_user_config_filename() if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) try: fo =, 'wb', 'utf-8') config.write(fo) finally: fo.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': setup_wizard(None)